MATI Uyole is located at longitude 33022’E and latitude 8055’S. It is about 8 Km east of Mbeya along the Tanzania Zambia highway. At an elevation of 1798 the Institute enjoys a cool climate for most part of the year. Temperature falls as low as…
The Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI) llonga is a government-training institute under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security It is located about 10km North-East of Kilosa Town, Morogoro region. It was established is 1972, and…
The Ministry of Agriculture training Institute (MATI) Mlingano which was estabIished in 1970 offers long and short courses:Long coursesAgromechanizationShort courses:Draught animalsManagement Farmers trainingTailor made courses on request.Location:MATI—Mlingano is located…
Kilimanjaro Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) is one of few institutes under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security offering specialized short courses in agriculture, with special emphasis on irrigated rice farming improvement. The centre aims at enhancing…
The Ministry of Agriculture and food security Training Institute, MATI Mtwara, is one of the nine Agricultural Training Institutes in the country charged with the responsibility of imparting technical Agricultural knowledge to students, extension workers,…
MATI Igurusi is located in Mbarali District at IGURUSI village, 55Km. from Mbeya Municipality along Mbeya Dar es Salaam main road. MATI Igurusi is well situated for Irrigation and Land Use Planning practical works. Around MATI Igurusi there are 5 rice irrigated…