Tanzania Initiative for Preventing Aflatoxin Contamination (TANIPAC)
The Tanzania Initiative for Preventing Aflatoxin Contamination (TANIPAC) project is being designed within the context of Tanzania Development Vision 2025 (TDV 2025), which places a high priority on the agriculture sector. The TDV 2025 identifies the following three priority goals: (i) ensuring basic food security; (ii) improving income levels; and (ii) increasing export earnings. The project is expected to minimize aflatoxin occurrence in the food system attained through an integrated approach in maize and groundnuts food chains with the overall impact of improving food safety, food and nutrition security, hence improving the health of our communities, as well as agricultural productivity and trade. The project has three components as follows: i) Infrastructure Development for Prevention of pre and post-harvest contamination; ii) Awareness Creation and Institutional Strengthening iii) Project Coordination and Management. Total programme costs to be incurred during the five-year implementation period, including price and physical contingencies, but excluding duties and taxes, are estimated at US$ 33 million.
Project Objectives
The main objective of this project is to minimize aflatoxin occurrence in the food system attained through an integrated approach in the maize and groundnuts value chains with the overall impact of improving food safety and food security, hence improving the health and nutrition of the communities, agricultural productivity and trade. The specific objectives of the project are: (i) improve pre- and post-harvest infrastructure, technology and management (ii) increase public knowledge and awareness around the health risks and the effects on malnutrition, as well as increase the participation of private sector in applying the mitigation measures; and (iii) strengthen institutional capacity for the development of value chains for safe and nutritious foods, and develop innovative marketing incentives.
The project will target all stakeholders involved in the maize and groundnut value chains. Implementation of project activities will directly benefit about 60,000 farmers, 120 extension and technical staff, 400 youth, 2,000 traders and transporters, and 2,000 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) involved in food processing. Seed and agricultural input traders and research institutes will also benefit from the project. Indirect beneficiary can be considered the entire population of Tanzania, as the mitigation of aflatoxin contamination in staple foods will directly improve public health across the board.