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Idara na Vitengo



To provide expertise on environment management and climate change within the agricultural Sector.

This Unit will perform the following activities:-

  • Monitor compliance with the requirement of Environment Management Act within the Ministry;
  • Advise on policy and legal reviews on environment management and climate change in the Agriculture sector in collaboration with Vice President’s Office ( Division of Environment);
  • Monitor environmental protection compliance in the Agricultural sector;
  • Oversee the implementation of policies, strategies, programs and plans to minimize adverse social–economic impacts due to agricultural activities;
  • Prepare and coordinate the implementation of Agricultural sector environmental and climate resilience action plans across levels as required under EMA and National Climate Change Strategy.
  • Undertake strategic environmental assessment of the agricultural sector on sector legislation, regulations, policies, strategies, programs and plans;
  • Oversee the preparation and implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments required for investments in agriculture;
  • Collaborate with the Ministry responsible for Local Governments, to build technical capacity of LGAs to integrated environment and climate change issues in their District Agricultural Development Plans;
  • Oversee the implementation of climate smart agriculture interventions in the Agriculture sector;
  • Promote adoption of climate smart agricultural technologies and practices across levels;
  • Participate national and international environmental and climate change meetings, seminars, conferences, forums, platforms and compendiums; and
  • Sensitize, educate, disseminate and monitor climate change related interventions and initiatives including resilience plan (ACRP), Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Program, Guideline, National Adaptation plans (NAPs) and National Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Agricultural sector.

This Unit will be led by a Principal Agricultural Officer.