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Idara na Vitengo



To oversee provision and implementation of agricultural training, extension services and agricultural research activities.


  • To support capacity building of Sector Staff including those working in Regional Secretariats and LGAs;
  • To coordinate and monitor agricultural training;
  • To develop, monitor and review implementation of extension services policy, guidelines and regulations;
  • To design, monitor implementation and review extension services methodologies;
  • To facilitate management and development of the agricultural training institutes;
  • To develop strategies and programs for agricultural training institutes sustainably; and
  • To facilitate review of curricula in line with clients' demands; and
  • To oversee implementation of activities of the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI).

This Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows:-

  • Agricultural Training Institutes Support Section; and
  • Extension Services and Research Section.

1.1.1 Agricultural Training Institutes Support Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review curriculum implementations in all MoA Training Institutes;
  • Manage assessment and examination in the MoA Training     Institutes;
  • Coordinates farmer training programmes and include cross cutting issues (HIV/AIDS and gender) in the curriculum;
  • Prepare and compile reports pertaining to curriculum development;
  • Prepare periodic reports of activities from training institute;
  • Prepare and monitor training needs assessment for capacity strengthening of training unit professionals;
  • Develop and review instructional materials for short and long term training programmes for middle level manpower;
  • Evaluate MATI training programmes and assessment of the need for instructional materials;
  • Develop and implement strategies and programmes for institute sustainability;
  • Establish and coordinate linkages with other training institutions within East Africa and elsewhere;
  • Prepare Training Institutions budget and financial report;
  • Monitor the management and administration of the Ministry's training institutes;
  • Coordinate the acquisition of training institutions materials and equipment;
  • Investigate students disciplinary cases and appeals; and
  • Evaluate effectiveness of utilisation of tutors in agricultural training institutes.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.2  Extension Services and Research Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Develop, monitor and review implementation of extension services policy, guidelines, regulations and standing orders;
  • Establish, introduce and improve extension services methodologies;
  • Provide advice to RS, LGAs and  farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP);
  • Develop and disseminate technical extension packages for use in RS and  LGAs;
  • Monitor and evaluate extension services performance and advise accordingly;
  • Build capacity of RS and LGAs to provide technical advisory services to farmers;
  • Build capacity of extension workers;
  • Develop and maintain extension data bank; and
  • Oversee Agricultural Research Institute’s activities and ensure they are in line with the National Policies.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.