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Taasisi za Wizara

Wakala wa Wakulima Wadogo wa Chai (TSHTDA)

The broad mandates of TSHTDA are pursued through its Vision and Mission which are clearly stated in its three year Medium Term Strategic Plan (2007-2010). The Vision is to see to it that the tea industry in Tanzania is predominantly controlled by smallholder farmers with sustainable high levels of productivity and production by 2025; and the Mission is to build the capacity of smallholder tea growers so as to attain high levels of productivity and production, processing capacities and marketing competitiveness

Strategic roles and functions of TSHTDA

Within its vision and mission, the roles and functions of TSHTDA include the following:-

  • Organizing smallholder tea growers into groups and associations with the view of empowering them to easily access financial resources and other production services
  • Assisting in developing sellable project proposals for the smallholder tea growers to access financial support from donor and financial institutions
  • Promoting the formation of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in the smallholder tea production system in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar of Cooperatives for availing smallholder tea growers with affordable credit
  • Supporting farmer group nursery operations for raising improved planting materials (VP Plants)
  • Participating in tea fields rehabilitation campaigns especially in areas where smallholder tea fields have been abandoned
  • Supporting and Coordinating the provision of tea extension services through five Area Agricultural Offices and Local Government Authorities in all tea growing districts
  • Introducing and promoting tea cultivation in new areas with ideal tea growing ecological conditions (Tarime, Kilolo & Ludewa)
  • Facilitating the linkage of smallholders’ production plans to the Local Government Authorities development plans and the green leaf tea processing factories’ plans
  • Sensitizing smallholders to secure title deeds for their tea fields so that they can use them as collaterals in applying for loans
  • Promoting marketing competitiveness in the smallholder tea sub sector by facilitating the establishment of adequate green leaf processing facilities in both traditional and new tea growing areas

Tanzania Small Holders Tea Development Agency (TSHTDA)
Tetex House, 5th Floor Pamba Road, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
P. O. Box 5815, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel.: +255-22-2127860, +255-754-262564