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Date Title Category Size Prev.
2011, Nov 09 The Cereals and Other Produce Regulations of 2011 Miongozo 196 KB
2011, Sep 17 The Sisal Industry Regulations of 2011 Miongozo 790 KB
2010, Dec 31 Agriculture Basic Data 2005/2006 - 2009/2010 Ripoti 4 MB
2010, Jan 31 Rufiji River Basin Act - CHAPTER 138 Miongozo 471 KB
2009, Jan 31 Cereal and Other Produces Act 19-2009 Miongozo 516 KB
2008, Dec 23 National Sample Census of Agriculture 2007/08 Ripoti 7 MB
2007, Nov 15 Pesticides Registered in Tanzania Miongozo 511 KB
2007, Oct 11 Seed Regulations-Final Draft 2007 Miongozo 1 MB
2005, Oct 31 Agriculture Basic Data 1998/99 - 2004/05 Ripoti 108 KB
2003, Dec 31 National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/03 Ripoti 29 MB
2003, Nov 17 ASDP-Revised ToRs for Formulation Mission Machapisho 247 KB
2003, Oct 10 The Seed Act, No.(1), 18 of 2003 Miongozo 198 KB
2002, Sep 20 The Protection of New Plant Varieties (Plant Breeders Rights) Act, 2002 Miongozo 133 KB
2001, Sep 22 The Coffee Industry Act, 2001 Miongozo 66 KB
2001, Sep 15 The Cotton Industry Act, 2001 Miongozo 74 KB
2001, Sep 15 The Sugar Industry Act, 2001 Miongozo 80 KB
2001, Jan 31 The Tobacco Industry Act, 2001 Miongozo 68 KB
1999, Nov 19 The Tea Regulations, 1999 Miongozo 129 KB
1998, Oct 23 The Cashewnut Regulations, 1998 Miongozo 22 KB
1998, Sep 25 The Plant Protection Regulations, 1998 Miongozo 112 KB
1998, Jan 31 Plant Protection (Control Of Water Hyacinth) Rules Miongozo 63 KB
1997, Oct 24 The Plant Protection (Control of water Hyacinth) Rules Miongozo 63 KB
1997, Oct 23 Plant Protection Act, 1997 Regulations Schedules 1-16 Miongozo 66 KB
1997, Oct 18 The Pyrethrum Act, 1997 Miongozo 51 KB
1997, Jul 19 The Tea Act, 1997 Miongozo 77 KB
1997, Jun 21 The Plant Protection Act, 1997 Miongozo 108 KB
1997, Jun 19 The Pyrethrum Regulations, 1997 Miongozo 38 KB
1996, Jan 31 The Sisal Industry Act 1996 Miongozo 63 KB
1994, Oct 22 The Agricultural Inputs Trust Fund Act, 1994 Miongozo 29 KB
1991, Oct 19 The Food Security Act, 1991 Miongozo 39 KB
1990, Jun 16 The Tropical Pesticides Research Institute Act, 1979 Miongozo 112 KB
1990, Jun 15 Agricultural Development Funds Act, 1984 Miongozo 246 KB
1990, Jan 31 The Rufiji Basin Dev. Authority Act, 1975 Miongozo 48 KB
1990, Jan 19 The Tropical Pesticides Research Regulations, 1979 Miongozo 42 KB
Date Title Category Size Prev.